I’m gonna go ahead and make my “goodbye I’m leaving for the con” speech now since I have so much to do tomorrow & thurs.
Project A-kon. Dallas. This weekend. I’ll be there. As Ruby Heart, Nanami from Utena, Yuffie from FF7, Sana from Kodacha, Belldandy w/wings, Amidala, Eternal Jupiter, Integra and Asuka. Ash will be wearing Mama Kurata from Kodacha, Alucard from Hellsing, Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken and Skuld from AMG. You can watch for us on fansview if you like (you don’t HAVE to, I’m just saying if you want to).
Won’t have an art table, doubtful I’ll have anything in the art show.
woo~ I should be online sometime during hte weekend, as we’ll have ash’s new Ibook with us.
*holds hand, teary eyed* my poor little hand!